Information Publication Scheme


The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) is an independent statutory agency established by the National Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022.

The NACC is an agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) and must comply with the Information Publication Scheme (IPS) requirements under that Act. You can find out more about the IPS at the website of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

This webpage documents the NACC’s information publication plan (the plan) and describes how the NACC complies with the IPS in respect of its information holdings.


This plan describes how the NACC will comply with the IPS established under the FOI Act, including:

  • what information the NACC proposes to publish (our IPS information)
  • how, and to whom, the NACC will publish IPS information
  • other steps the NACC will take to comply with the requirements of the IPS – for example, how we will ensure that information that is published is accessible, current, accurate and complete.


The NACC’s objectives in relation to the plan are to:

  • increase the NACC’s transparency and accountability through a culture of openness, taking into account our operational duties and functions
  • ensure we effectively manage our IPS information, including by regularly reviewing and updating it
  • support the NACC to proactively identify and publish all required IPS information as well as any optional information as appropriate
  • ensure that our IPS information is easy to discover, understand and read, re-use and transform, as well as being machine-readable
  • ensure satisfactory conformance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Version 2) (WCAG 2.0) in accordance with the timeframes set out by the National Transition Strategy.

Establishing and administering the agency’s IPS entry

The General Manager Executive and Business Support is responsible for implementing this plan and ensuring the NACC’s compliance with our IPS obligations.

The Governance team support the General Manager Executive and Business Support by coordinating the identification of material to be published under the IPS and overseeing compliance with the IPS. The NACC Legal team also assist with this work as required.

In addition to evaluating whether information will be published at the time of its creation, our IPS information will be reviewed twice a year to:

  • ensure that our IPS information is accurate, up to date and complete
  • ensure that we publish all required IPS information, and
  • identify any additional information we may choose to publish.

The NACC takes its work seriously regarding information asset management. An important aspect of this is ensuring that we are open and accountable, where it is appropriate given the nature of our operational work. This includes actively considering what information can be published, consistent with the requirements of the IPS.

An internal IPS Information Register assists the NACC to efficiently identify information for publication, record decisions made in relation to publication and systematically review IPS information for accuracy, currency and completeness.

Copies of documents published under the IPS will be available by request.

IPS information architecture

The NACC will publish required IPS information on this website.

The NACC has developed templates and documents in compliance with WCAG 2.0 principles and will ensure, wherever possible, that optional IPS information published on its website conforms to WCAG 2.0 principles. However, priority will be given to publishing the information in a timely manner, even if it is not initially fully WCAG 2.0 compliant.

Members of the public will be able to contact the NACC in relation to the IPS scheme or to provide any feedback.

Other information to be published (s8 (4))

Under s 8 (4) of the FOI Act, NACC will also publish other information where appropriate and where it does not prejudice the performance of its functions. Given the NACC’s functions and powers, some operational information is not suitable for publication as it may harm current and future corruption investigations.

IPS compliance review (s 8F)

The NACC will review its IPS plan and IPS information twice a year at the beginning and middle of each financial year. At the same time, the NACC will review its compliance with the IPS in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Information Commissioner, including the self-assessment checklists.

The NACC will also conduct ad hoc reviews as needed when there are significant changes to its policies, processes or operational environment.

Privacy statement
The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) is committed to protecting your privacy online.